Photo courtesy J Scott Studio of Photography
2018 Football Coaches
Head Coach: Adam Hodge
Back Row: Kent Hyde, Jim Hale, James Justice, Zach Howell, Joe Shepherd, Michael Hicks, Cameron McGlenn, Phil Tate
Front Row: Hunter Armstrong, Joshua Justice, Adam Hodge, Mitch Painter, Todd Davis, Shaunte' Southern
Principal: Gary Ford
Athletic Director: Kent Hyde
Chain Gang: Dean Richards, Chris Richards, Lee Biggerstaff, Bill Crenshaw, Shannon Goldsmith
Public Address Announcer: Robin Buchanan
Spotter/Assistant PA Announcer: Allen Waters
Scoreboard Operator: Doug Waters
Turf Management: Tracy Watson
Team Physicians: Dr. David Rhinehart and Dr. Michael McCartney (South Point Family Practice)
Team Chaplain: Joe Lawing
Band Director: Tim Hamilton
Team Manager: Sam Montgomery
Athletic Trainer: Tom Chao
First Responder: Robert Robinson
