Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is there a need for an Athletic Booster Club at all? Doesn't South Point or Gaston County pay for everything that the student athletes need? Tax dollars that eventually end up in the Athletic Department's annual budget comprise a very small portion of the department's needs. The funds are used to cover transportation costs and coaching stipends as well as supplies like uniforms, balls, equipment tape, field paint, scorebooks, etc. All of the operation expenses and equipment purchases are self-funded by the athletic department. These funds are a drop in the bucket to the needs of all sports, therefore a booster club is needed to offset some of these costs.

2. How does the Club decide which sports receive this "additional" funding? All student/athletes, regardless of sport, are a factor in the decision as to what is spent. The athletic director comes to the booster club with a list of needs that have been assessed by his consultation with coaches and are prioritized as to the most pressing need.

3. Who determines how these monies are spent? The coach of each respective sport, in conjunction with the Athletic Director, bring the needs list to the Booster Club. The Boosters do not determine what purchases are made within the Athletic Departments budget.

4. What other financial contributions do the Boosters make to our student/athletes? This list is quite extensive and varies from year-to-year. A few examples include: team rings for state champions, team meal money, recognitions for outstanding team and individual athletic achievements. Note: this is only a partial listing.

5. When do the Boosters meet? What do you talk about? How long do they last? The Booster Club meets each usually once a month at 6:00pm in the school cafeteria. Each meeting includes; a Secretary's Report to track activities both past, present and future; a Treasurer's Report detailing the Club's current financial standing; and comments from our Athletic Director. Also, because of football season being a highly organized event requiring many moving parts, there is much discussion on the staffing, stocking, and other logistics for home football games. Those in attendance can get a real "feel" as to what goes on behind the scenes in many of our sports as well as advance information on all upcoming events for both the Boosters and the Athletic Department as a whole. The meetings generally conclude in one hour.

6. How do I become a member of the Big Red Booster Club? Can I join now, even though the membership drive is over? Anyone can join at any time. The application form can be found on the homepage of the Big Red Booster Club website.

7. As a member, is my participation in any of the Booster activities "mandatory"? No. All activities conducted by the Boosters are voluntary, whether it's simply manning a concession stand or helping to sell Red Raider gear, etc. All members are free to determine their own levels of involvement. Just like anything else in life, you'll get out of it exactly what you put into it.

8. Aren't Booster Clubs just for football? I mean all I hear is football this and football that. Our Booster Club is here for all sports and all student athletes. And please keep in mind, that the funds raised during football season do not go back directly to the football team. Those monies are distributed for other sports. So, if you are a swim parent, or a baseball parent, or a track parent etc., working concessions during a football game is helping your student athlete.